Pro Staff Blog

Pro Staff 101

chroniclesEvery once in a while I get some time on my hands to just spend some time on other folks websites and this week while working on a project I got the chance to visit the website of Darin Sims from Studio D and happened across his article on ProStaff 101.  As someone who has been in this business for the last several years and working with my own pro staff of writers, the article resonated with me and I thought I would share just a little bit here with permission from Darin:


Success can be defined as “achievement of intention or achievement of something planned” and a goal as “the purpose toward which an endeavor is directed, an objective, intention”.  Both go hand in hand in a specific direction.  Simplified, success is reaching your goals…now hold that thought.


In the competitive and highly desirable world of hunting and outdoor products, marketing is king.  The outdoorsman is one of the most brand loyal consumers in the world, so getting to them first and effectively is a vital component of success in the market.  Outdoor companies use a huge variety of media outlets including print ads, social media, radio, forums, blogs and the high profile hunting television show.  With so many products bidding for the same consumers, and with the success stories of the BIG names in outdoor television, more and more people want to cash in on the outdoor market.

If you are seriously interested in becoming a Pro Staff member and working in this industry, I suggest you go and read the rest of this this great article:


Kevin Paulson

Kevin Paulson is the Founder and CEO of His passion for Hunting began at the age of 5 hunting alongside of his father. Kevin has followed his dreams through outfitting, conservation work, videography and hunting trips around the world.

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