Dallas Safari Club Awards Grant to SSSF In Support of Youth Shooting Sports
The Dallas Safari Club (DSC), a continued supporter of the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (SSSF) has awarded the youth development organization a grant totaling over $24,000. This support comes from multiple chapters, including DSC Great Lakes, DSC Heartland, DSC Oklahoma, and DSC Charleston.
The DSC’s mission is to ensure the conservation of wildlife through public engagement, education and advocacy for well-regulated hunting and sustainable use. Every year DSC raises funds through an annual convention, which go toward grants that directly support our mission of conservation, education, and advocacy. Through outreach efforts and informational content that introduces shooting and science-based wildlife management to growing demographics, DSC is ensuring a legacy of well-informed future sportsmen, sportswomen and conservationists. The SSSF is humbled to accept this large grant amount in support of youth development through its Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP).
“As a non-profit we realize how much effort fundraising takes,” said SASP National Director, Rick Leach. “The fact that these four DSC chapters are willing to donate their hard-earned funds in recognition of our mission of youth development is greatly appreciated. The Dallas Safari Club has been a supporter of our programs for a number of years and the continued vote of confidence from multiple DSC chapters is humbling.”
“Both of SSSF’s youth programs are very fortunate to have support throughout the outdoor industry,” said SCTP National Director, Tom Wondrash. “The Dallas Safari Club continues to invest in our youth, who will be the next generation of hunters and conservationists. Through our youth development programs, we aim to shape those next generations into the best possible citizens they can be. The grant funding from multiple DSC chapters is an incredible gesture and we hope to continue our work with the support of the DSC for years to come.”
With a year-round season, this funding is put to immediate use for the SSSF’s youth programs. Conducting its largest National Championship event to date with over 10,000 event entries, the SSSF looks to continue its mission to facilitate youth development through its team-based clay target, action shooting, and international disciplines. As the official youth feeder program for USA Shooting, the scope of athlete success can be realized at the highest levels through the SCTP and SASP. Athletes can begin their shooting sports journey at a young age and continue through college, which is encouraged and supported by scholarships offered by both of the SSSF’s youth development programs.
Athlete safety and support is critical to the SSSF’s mission. In 2020, the foundation launched its modernized coach education programs to help expand the nationwide network of youth shooting sports adult volunteers. With new teams being activated through programs such as the SCTP and SASP every day, the need for a simple, efficient and comprehensive path to coach certification is realized as the SSSF Basic Coach Certification Program. With the DSC grant support, the SSSF plans to expand its training offerings with advanced coach curriculum and focused training for international disciplines of skeet, bunker trap, air pistol/rifle, and sport pistol.
About the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation
The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (SSSF) is 501(c)(3) public charity responsible for all aspects of the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) across the United States. The SCTP and SASP are youth development programs in which adult coaches and other volunteers use shooting sports to teach and to demonstrate sportsmanship, responsibility, honesty, ethics, integrity, teamwork, and other positive life skills.
Provide and enhance personal growth and development opportunities for student athlete members; become the premier authority in all things pertaining to firearm-related pursuits for youth; pass on to future generations the legacy of lifelong, safe, responsible enjoyment of the shooting sports. This includes serving as the primary feeder/pipeline for organized, sanctioned shooting organizations and teams, like USA SHOOTING, TEAM USA, and the NGBs (NSSA, NSCA, ATA).