Historical Attendance for the 19th Annual NASC Sportsman-Legislator Summit in Bozeman, Montana

Last week, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) hosted the 19th Annual NASC Sportsman-Legislator Summit in stunning Bozeman, Montana. The NASC Sportsman-Legislator Summit is the only national conference for state legislators dedicated to advancing America’s hunting, fishing, recreational shooting, and trapping heritage. The theme of this year’s event was Force Multiplier: Leveraging the Combined Power of State Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucuses and the Sporting Community. The conference, which is CSF’s premier state legislative event, provided an immersive 4-day experience featuring speakers from the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC), the Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus (GSC), the NASC Executive Council, state fish and wildlife agencies, conservation policy organizations, and outdoor industry partners, amongst others.
Topics covered at this year’s event included but were not limited to wildlife management differences in America and Europe, poaching, wolf management, timber management, invasive species, the Endangered Species Act, restoration funding, and much more. In addition to educational sessions, regional breakouts, and Executive Council meetings, the Summit also featured group demonstrations, an auction and raffle, outdoor sporting activities, and an awards ceremony. Keynote speakers for this year’s event included Montana Governor and GSC Member Gov. Greg Gianforte; Joshua Millspaugh, University of Montana; Tom Opre, Shepherds of Wildlife Society; and, Michael Robinson, Farming the Wild. Additionally, conference attendees were treated to addresses from Montana Senators and CSC Members Sen. Steve Daines and Sen. Jon Tester.
“Sportsmen and women are the backbone of conservation in the United States, and Montana’s proud to host legislators and like-minded advocates from across the country for this summit,” said Governor Gianforte. “As states continue to manage and conserve our wildlife and landscapes, it’s important we build connections, and the NASC Sportsman-Legislator Summit provides that opportunity.”
On the final night, at the Dinner & Awards Ceremony, the CSF States Program Team presented awards to individual legislators and groups who had contributed to the advancement of conservation policy and the furtherance of the goals of the NASC network. Award Recipients included:
- NASC Regional Heritage Award
- Southeast – Del. James Edmunds (VA)
- Midwest – Rep. Tim Taylor (MO)
- Northeast – Sen. Trey Stewart (ME)
- West – Rep. Perry Will (CO)
- Northeast – Sen. Trey Stewart (ME)
- Midwest – Rep. Tim Taylor (MO)
- Southeast – Del. James Edmunds (VA)
- Friends of NASC Awards
- Coastal Conservation Association
- Vista Outdoor, Inc.
- Coastal Conservation Association
- State Agency of the Year
- Arizona Game and Fish Department
- Outgoing EC Member Awards:
- Rep. Brad Witt, 2017 – 2022
- Sen. Mark Allen, 2019 – 2022
- Rep. Brian White, 2012 – 2022
- Sen. Mark Allen, 2019 – 2022
- Rep. Brad Witt, 2017 – 2022
- Brad Rowse Award:
- Rep. Brian White
“Since 2013, I have had the honor of serving on the NASC Executive Council. Over the past 9 years, I have been lucky enough to work with some of the most talented and passionate people in conservation, and to me, this award is a reminder of all the good work we accomplished together, said Rep. Brian White. “NASC is a unique organization because it brings together legislators from across the aisle to educate and promote sound policy. As a hunter and angler myself, serving as President of NASC has been an extremely fulfilling opportunity and I believe our work has not only benefitted South Carolinians but America’s sportsmen and women as a whole. Thank you to CSF for bestowing this award upon me, and I look forward to seeing what great things are in store for NASC, CSF, and the future of sporting-conservation.”
Also at the Ceremony, new Executive Council members were revealed, and the host state and location for the 2023 Summit was announced; it will take place in vibrant Dewey Beach, Delaware. The 2023 NASC Executive Council will be comprised of:
- President: Rep. Jeff Goley (NH)
- Vice President: Rep. Bill Rehm (NM)
- Secretary: Rep. Jeff Wardlaw (AR)
- Member: Sen. Jack Bailey (MD)
- Member: Sen. Robin Webb (KY)
- Member: Sen. David Wilson (AK)
- Member: Rep. Scott Bounds (MS)
- Member: Rep. Pat Brennan (VT)
- Member: Rep. Bobby Cox (SC)
- Member: Rep. Casey Snider (UT)
- Member: Rep. Steve Wood (ME)
- Member: Rep. Jerome Zeringue (LA)
- Alternate Member: Rep. Danny Crawford (AL)
- Alternate Member: Rep. Bob Freeman (TN)
- Alternate Member: Rep. Kevin Wallace (OK)
CSF would like to thank all of the sponsors who made the 19th Annual NASC Sportsman-Legislator Summit possible including Title Sponsors: Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s; National Shooting Sports Foundation; Richard Childress Racing; Safari Club International; and Vista Outdoor, Inc.
Founded in 1989, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) is the informed authority across outdoor issues and serves as the primary conduit for influencing public policy. Working with the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC), the Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus (GSC), and the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses (NASC), CSF gives a voice to hunters, anglers, recreational shooters, and trappers on Capitol hill and throughout state capitols advocating on vital outdoor issues that are the backbone of our nation’s conservation legacy. For more information on CSF’s policy work, visit www.congressionalsportsmen.org.