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How to Cast a Spinning Reel? – Beginners Guide to Casting Spinning Reel

Due to their ease of use, spinning reels are the most popular and widely used reel in the market. From beginners to professional angler’s everyone used this very reel. 

As mentioned at the beginning, using spinning reels are extremely easy compared to other reels in the market. And this is the reason why they are the best for beginners. 

If you just have stepped into fishing and want to learn how to cast a spinning reel, then this guide will turn extremely beneficial for you. 

I have shown all the steps you need to follow when casting and put one thing in mind, you are not going to get a good cast on the first day. You will have to practice for a couple of days until you reach there. 

You got to be patient! 

Let’s get started then!

Casting with a Spinning Reel 

Casting a spinning reel is different from baitcaster and conventional reels, spinning reel being the easiest. The way this reel function is also pretty different from others. 

The main difference is the spool. The spinning reel comes with a fixed spool, and that is, the spool wouldn’t feed the line until the bait pulls the line. And once the bait hits the water, the spool will be feeding line. This is the best part of using a spinning reel, it is extremely convenient. 

There are very low chances of backlashing since the spool stops feeding line once the lure or bait is on the water. 

However, how better you will be able to cast that will be depending on a few things which are…

  • The skill of the angler.
  • Quality of the spinning reel.
  • Quality of the line.
  • Casting power.
  • Quality of the rod.

You would want to ensure that you have a good quality rod, fishing line, and a spinning reel. At the initial stage you don’t need to spend big buck after gears, just spend what is needed to get a decent one. Richard Francis a fishing enthusiast made a list of top-notch spinning reels under 100 bucks, in case you are interested, pay a visit. 

And the skill and the casting power, that will grow in you with practice. 

Choose a Yard

Fishing on the ground? Sounds funny, right? But that is exactly what you will have to do if you want to learn casting faster and easier. Pick a yard that is empty, there shouldn’t be many bushes or anything else that might catch the hook. And also make sure the place isn’t populated. The hook can hurt anyone. 

Pick a time of the day when there wouldn’t be many people around you.

Mark a spot a little far from you and assume that as the desired casting spot and you will try to land the lure around that area. 

Hold the Rod Right

The very first step in learning casting is to learn how to hold a fishing rod properly. Effective casting depends on that largely. You would want to use your dominant hand for casting, obviously! The stem of the reel foot should be set between the ring and middle finger so that you will be able to touch the line roller and bail with your index finger. 

Depending on the size of the reel you might have to change a bit. Whatever you do, make sure the index finger reaches the line roller and the thumb sits on the top of the rod.  

Play around for a while with a different position until you find the right grip. For oversized spinning reel and rod, you might need to use both hands but let’s not go there since you are a beginner and you are not going to use an oversized reel on your first go for sure. 

Lure position 

If required, you can move the bail under the line roller and with the index, finger wrap that around the line with the closed bail. The lure shouldn’t be very close to the rod tip and not very far from it. It has to be in the middle so that you can cast effectively. Keep the lure hanging 10-inch or feet away from the rod tip. 


Make sure the index finger is still holding the line, and then open the fail. Position your shoulders facing the desired casting spot. Slowly draw the rod backward behind you and swing the rod forward. 

When the lure is facing the desired casting spot then release the line from your index finger. The lure will carry the line from the spool and will stop pulling lines from the spool once it hits the water. 

The timing when you need to release the line from your index finger, getting that right will require practice. At what point you release the line that will determine which way the lure will go. 

If you release the line too early, then the lure will go really but wouldn’t go far forward. And if you release too late, then the lure won’t be going far, that might even end up in few feet in front of you. You will have to release in the middle of these two. As I said, you will require practice before you get the right timing. 

Final words Try to understand how the reel works and you will get where you want to be pretty soon. The spinning reel is very easy to use, just pay attention and practice for a day or two, you will improve a lot. Once you get a good hold on casting, then start doing that on water. However, I hope this guide helps you to get started. 

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