Milwaukee Tool Listens to Hunters

This past June, Milwaukee Tool invited us to attend the New Product Symposium 2015, an event that hosts media folks from various magazines and blogs. Most of the media, of course, consisted of tool guys and those in the construction and electrical business. We are thankful that the great leaders at Milwaukee Tool had the open minds to include us from the hunting industry.
Many of the employees of Milwaukee Tools, from the top leaders to the workers on the floor, are outdoorsmen and women themselves. When they’re not working on designing, producing, and marketing the best tools on the market, they are enjoying all that Wisconsin offers outdoors. So they saw the connection between people who use tools for a living and those who might use the same tools for fun.
As hunters, we use whatever gear we already own. If you use a portable light source at work, why not use it on a hunt? So often the folks at Milwaukee Tool saw guys using their work tools out on hunts. They realized that if their tools were designed for rugged use on worksites, they would be perfect for rugged use in the field.
There’s a market out there, Milwaukee Tool decided: the outdoor industry. Thus, attended the Milwaukee Tool’s New Product Symposium. We were introduced to tool technology like we’ve never seen before and products that are designed to complete tasks far beyond our grasp. But what we found truly unique at this event compared with others was their desire to listen to our needs when it comes to tools for the outdoors.
During a break for lunch in between drilling through reinforced concrete and making holes with a circular saw, the good folks from Milwaukee Tool sat down with us and asked us point blank what we saw as potentially beneficial in the outdoors. They listened as we spoke of the need for lighting while gutting a deer at nightfall, the relief we might feel with a portable, quiet fan in a hot blind, and the necessity of pruning small branches to create shooting lanes.
We are even more impressed with the fact that Milwaukee Tool followed up this discussion by sending us some products to try out on hunts. So far we have experimented with three different light sources, a cordless fan, and two types of sawzalls with various interchangeable blades.
As much as we love trying out new products, it really doesn’t even compare with how much we enjoy working with a company that is so open-minded, sincere, and passionate about satisfying their customers’ needs with the best tools possible.
You know how you like supporting companies that do the right thing? That listen to their customers? That are honest and fair? Even if their products cost more? Especially if their products are better than the others?
We like supporting those kinds of companies too and Milwaukee Tool is one of them. We are happy to have their tools with us on our hunts!!