Pro Staff Blog

No Till Foodplots by Chris Telinda

For some people planting food plots is a ritual, for others sometimes there is not enough time or the equipment needed is unavailable. For those who are not the regular planters, you are not out of luck. No-till food plots are designed to give those who want a food plot in a secluded area where it is only accessible by foot, or for those who do not have the equipment to plow, disc, drag, cultipack and sow the seed. These no-till food plots are very easy and most of the seed comes with pH boosters already in the bag. The only thing needed for this type of food plot is to get decent seed to soil contact. This can be accomplished by using a mower to get the grass as close to the soil as possible and then raking to break up the soil. The seed can be spread by hand or broadcast and then re raked to get the seed underneath the soil. Make sure that you check the forecast and plant before a rain to insure the seeds will get moisture. Manufactures that produce this type of seed include:


            -Whitetail Institute

            -Evolved Habitats


These companies specialize in manufacturing the best seed to use for no-till planting. If you are limited on time, or do not have the required equipment give this a try.

Kevin Paulson

Kevin Paulson is the Founder and CEO of His passion for Hunting began at the age of 5 hunting alongside of his father. Kevin has followed his dreams through outfitting, conservation work, videography and hunting trips around the world.

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