OVIS 2024

Grand Slam Club/Ovis is pleased to announce the 2024 recipient of the prestigious OVIS Award: Daryll Hosker of British Columbia.
There is no argument that mountain hunting is the toughest type of big game hunting, period. The OVIS was conceived to recognize individuals who have an overwhelming passion for hunting the mountains and doing so in fair chase and with total integrity. Daryll has been a life member of GSCO since 2000, and completed his first Grand Slam, #1488, in January 2009. He went on to complete a second Grand Slam in 2015 as well as the Magnificent Seven and Super Slam #72.
His records show that he has taken 35 Capra species and 41 total Capra trophies. He has a total of 41 Ovis species and 48 overall Ovis entries within the GSCO records. In October 2022 he became one of the few individuals to reach the coveted Ovis Super 40 when he took the North Africa aoudad you see pictured here.
Daryll is truly a dedicated hunter/conservationist and is heavily involved in all the major conservation organizations. His passion for wildlife and wild places keeps him pursuing adventure. Daryll is a shining example of the GSCO mantra that “Hunting is the #1 Conservation Tool.”