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BELLEVUE, WA – The federal judge presiding over a Second Amendment Foundation challenge to the Biden administration’s new arm brace rule has denied a request by the National Rifle Association to intervene in an effort to get the same protections for its members as SAF members have been granted.

However, the order denying NRA’s intervention does not mean NRA members are out of luck, said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. They can join SAF and be covered under the judge’s ruling issued last month. The case is known as SAF, v. ATF, et. al.

“While we’re certain NRA members are disappointed,” Gottlieb said, “by joining SAF they can get the protection of the judge’s ruling.”

SAF offers several different tiers of memberships, available at Annual membership is $15, a five-year membership is $50 and a life membership is $150. Membership is effective upon date of receipt. For questions regarding membership, please contact

In her ruling, U.S. District Judge Jane J. Boyle wrote, “For intervention as of right, the NRA’s motion fails on two independent grounds. First, the Court finds the NRA’s application for intervention is not timely. Second, the Court finds the NRA’s interests are adequately represented by the current Plaintiffs…In sum, the NRA knew of the Rule more than a year before it moved to intervene, and the NRA had no basis to assume a nationwide injunction would be issued in this case. Moreover, allowing an intervention under these circumstances risks incentivizing opportunistic “injunction shopping” under the auspices of “timely” interventions to protect a threatened interest. The NRA’s Motion is not timely.”

SAF is joined in the case by Rainier Arms, LLC and two private citizens, Samuel Walley and William Green. They are represented by attorney Chad Flores at Flores Law in Houston, Texas.

“We will definitely welcome any NRA members wanting to join SAF,” said Executive Director Adam Kraut.

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