TickEase Tick Removal Tweezers
I feel like I have been writing a lot lately about bugs and honestly, I am no expert but I spend a whole lot of time outdoors with my hunting dog either training, working, dog walks and hunting. All of this time outdoors has me hyper focused on keeping safe. We already fully recommend the best prevention for ticks is to not get ticks and the combination P2 Pak from Ranger Ready is our absolute recommendation to keep ticks off your body and clothes. Clothes treated with permethrin and skin treated with picaridin keeps ticks away in most all cases. However, if someone is not treated or a tick shows up on a dog, you have to have a plan to remove it.
Tick Man Dan Wolff created the TickEase product says, “I designed TickEase with a very fine-tipped pair of tweezers at one end that is perfect for removing even the smallest ticks from humans quickly and effectively. The other end of the tool features a slotted scoop that is perfect for removing those big, engorged, blueberry-sized ticks from pets and other animals.”
Miko, our pup came back after a day in the field and I was able to immediately test these out as she had a tick insider her ear. It worked quickly and the fine tip tweezers also worked great to get out a splinter out of my hand a few hours later. These are not expensive at $11.99 and having a great set of tweezers in your first aid kit and your dog first aid kit is not a bad idea. You never know when having a great set of tweezers will make a difference for you.
Check these out at TickEase.com or buy them on Amazon.com.