Shooting News

Tournament Arrows Can Make You a Better Bow Hunter

Every four years the world’s best shooters gather to compete at the highest level in archery. Olympic recurve archers line up and launch arrows at targets 70 meters downrange—often battling extreme crosswind conditions.  All aspects of equipment are critical and only the best products are sufficient to get an archer to the top of the podium.  Easton shaft technology has been used by archers to win every medal at every Olympics. Throughout that time modernization of both the manufacturing process and the products have made incremental improvements that have resulted in ever escalating tournament scores. 

So how is Olympic arrow development meaningful to a bow hunter? Easton takes the technology of developing top-end tournament arrows and applies those characteristics into their hunting products.  Many of the technologies and processes are applied to other products and wind up in throughout Easton’s product line, including hunting shafts.

It turns out that the very same characteristics that make an Olympic arrow are very much the same traits important to every bow hunter.  Let’s look at some of these characteristics.


The micro-diameter design developed for arrows like Easton X10 reduce the effects of wind-on-arrow flight for the world’s top tournament archers. Easton then applied the same traits to hunting shafts such as AXIS and FMJ. The friction reduction greatly improves penetration in game animals and these micro-diameter arrows stay on target better and fly straighter in crosswinds as well.

Spine, Straightness and Weight Consistency Affect Accuracy

Every arrow you shoot needs to be matched in weight and spine for tight grouping in the target and is crucial to tournament-winning accuracy.  Furthermore, every top shooter inherently understands how critical straight arrows can be. This is indispensable when hitting the 10-ring from 70 meters in competition.  All these accuracy enhancing attributes equally important to bow hunters to maximize accuracy when shooting broadheads.

It’s easy to see that there really is a strong correlation between the many things that go into an Olympic winning arrow shaft, and one you’re about to launch at a whitetail.  So, know that the research and development that sees a champion to the podium will find its way into the heart of your hunting shaft.  Every arrow has a story to tell—whether that’s through the target on television in front of millions of viewers, or in that solitary buck you’ve worked for months to get into range. 

Get all the details on the entire 2022 lineup of Easton Archery Products, at, or your local authorized Easton Pro Shop.

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