Pro Staff Blog

We need your Votes for the Hunting League

We are partnering up with The Hunting League to allow our fans to vote for our Pro Staff and follow our season in 2010 for all of our deer hunting.  Beka Garris and Marty Killion are already in the league and several of our Pro Staff Team will be coming on line in the next several weeks.  This week we are in a very very tight race and we could really use your help with a vote for Kevin Paulson in the Poll.  The vote costs nothing and takes but a second of your time and while you are there, we hope you will check into the Hunting League.  It is a fantasy league allowing you to pick certain hunters to represent you and for every deer they shoot they get points in a competition for prizes and you get points.  The contest allows you to pick 3 hunters every month for five months and the players with the most points win a fantastic prize package.

We really appreciate your support and we would really appreciate your vote!!!

Vote for Kevin Paulson in Group 2  Week 5

 Hunting League

Fantasy Hunter for 2012 (Round S)

Kevin Paulson

Kevin Paulson is the Founder and CEO of His passion for Hunting began at the age of 5 hunting alongside of his father. Kevin has followed his dreams through outfitting, conservation work, videography and hunting trips around the world.

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