German Precision Optics Named Official Optics of the Archery Shooters Association
RICHMOND, Va. (Jan. 7, 2020) — German Precision Optics (GPO) USA, is pleased to announce that it has been named as the official optics of the Archery Shooters Association (ASA) for 2020. Created in 1993, and the world’s premier 3D archery federation and tournament host, the ASA will kick off its 2020 season February 20-23 in Foley, Ala.
“We have been a supporter of the ASA for the past three years and have seen the growth in its popularity,” said Mike Jensen, president & CEO of GPO USA. “This is an amazing opportunity for both GPO and ASA.
“As a leader in the engineering, design and development of premium binoculars and rangefinders, our optics are the perfect match for 3-D shooters and archers alike. We look forward to a great relationship with ASA, its shooters and a stronger presence at all the tournaments in 2020,” continued Jensen. “GPO will have a booth showcasing its newest products at all ASA tournaments and will offer special pricing on select products to all participants. Be sure to stop by and see what is new”.
Each ASA tournament consists of a course with 20 3-D animal targets. Each animal has scoring in rings which are worth 14,12, 10 or eight points. Depending on the class of competition, the targets can be set at a designated distance or at unknown yardages. Shooters can use binoculars to view the targets but cannot use any devices that give them distances.
For more information on this partnership call GPO, USA at 1-844-MY-BINOS (692-4667) or visit
German Precision Optics was founded on the premise that design, engineering and quality management is 100-percent controlled in Germany to its strictest standards, yet products can be produced at some of the largest production facilities around the world. This unique corporate structure allows GPO to offer the highest quality products with better features at a significantly better price. The company is 100-percent confident that all of its products will not only function perfectly but will exceed all expectations. Therefore, GPO, USA has created an industry-leading Spectacular Lifetime Warranty™. With outstanding professional service, GPO USA will take care of its products before, during, and after the purchase at no charge, ever. Founded in 2016, GPO has its U.S. headquarters in Richmond, Va. For more information on GPO USA, visit or call 844-MY BINOS (844-692-4667).