Our hunting dog is an important part of our family. We want to make sure that they are safe, just like we would want any family member taken care of. This is especially true when out in the field on a hunt. We want to make sure our dog is just as protected in the outdoors as we are from ticks, chiggers, mosquitoes and other biting insects.
It is important to know when tick, mosquito and chigger season is in effect where you live or where you are hunting. It is also important to understand the landscape where you are hunting. Dry, arid land does not hold mosquitoes, but river bottoms are filled with them. Ticks like shrubs and grasses which allow them to leap onto passing animals easily. Ticks are the superman of the bug species because they can jump over 400 times their height. If humans were that strong, they could easily jump over the Empire State Building.
Of course, as a dog owner you should check your dog each day you are out. Make sure to check their ears, the folds of their skin, armpits, feet and any soft spots to make sure they are tick and bite free.
In 2019, we discovered Ranger Ready Repellents, right around the same time we got a puppy. On our very first trip out to hunt she came back and jumped into the car, and she was covered in ticks. We got the ticks off her once we got home, but later jumped in the truck to run an errand and saw five more ticks where she had been in the truck. We asked ourselves that if Permethrin works by killing ticks on our hunting gear and clothing, couldn’t we spray Permethrin on the cloth seats and carpets of the truck to protect ourselves and dog from any biting insects that get brought in?
Since then we’ve been regularly using the Ranger Ready’s Scent Zero P2Pak, which features their Scent Zero body-worn Picaridin and clothing-worn Permethrin repellents. Before any hunt we spray any exposed skin with their Picaridin 20% repellent, for 12 hours of protection from ticks and mosquitoes. Monthly we treat our hunting gear, clothing, cloth car seats,
as well as our dog beds, blankets and the carpet in our office where the dog spends the vast majority of her time with their Permethrin 0.5% which will protect us and our dog for 40 days or 5 washes.
We have seen a dramatic decrease in the level of ticks on our dog and we credit our decision to using Ranger Ready Permethrin on the cloth bed and in the truck.