Apples and Crabapples From Chestnut Hill Outdoors
By themselves or as a supplement to food plots, mast orchards provide a great way to attract and hold more wildlife on your property. One benefit of orchards is that once established, they require less effort to maintain. They also add more diversity, and by planting the right combination and variety of mast trees you can significantly widen the window of attractiveness to your land.
When most people think of mast orchards they picture nut-producing trees like chestnuts and oaks. But soft mast producers like apple trees add greater diversity to your wildlife banquet, providing fruit for, and appealing to a different and broader variety of wildlife species, and at different times.
Chestnut Hill Outdoors offers a variety of apples, each differing in chilling requirement, the degree of winter temperatures necessary to induce the tree to break dormancy and begin flowering and bearing. They list the Plant Hardiness Zones that each variety is best suited for, and they offer some older varieties that are disease resistant so they require less attention.
Furthermore, they offer several native varieties of crabapples that require virtually no care or maintenance and have high survival rates because they’re being placed into the natural environment in which they’ve evolved over eons, including soil, moisture and temperature.
Another nice thing about apples and crabapples is that they begin bearing fruit in a relatively short time, often 3-5 years depending on variety. And, Chestnut Hill Outdoors has selected varieties with longer ripening times. They hold their fruit over a longer period so deer and other wildlife keep coming back to feed throughout the fall, from September through December.
Chestnut Hill Outdoors is more than just a nursery. In order to ensure you receive the maximum benefit from their products, they also provide sound advice and instruction on site preparation and planting, maintenance, and training and pruning your apple and crabapple trees.
For more on Chestnut Hill Outdoors products and how to care for them, visit, or call (855) 386-7826.
Chestnut Hill is the best place for you to purchase your food plot and deer attractant plants because they offer a large selection, their plants are specifically bred to attract deer, and they offer customers different sized plants at different levels of growth.
For more information, please visit