Pro Staff Blog

Best of Both Worlds by Anita(Taylor's Mom) Rather

It all began with David, Taylor’s Dad, a man who loves to hunt. When he and I got married and talked about having children he told me that the first outfit our child would wear would be a little camo outfit. Our first child was a boy, Joshua, and David did what he said he was going to do. He bought a camo sleeper outfit for Josh. Boy was he proud, a son and a little hunter in the making. Three years later we had the arrival of a precious little girl named Taylor Rather.





I told David that he was not going to put that camo outfit on her, but guess what….

David thought she was the cutest little girl in that outfit. I had dreams of my own, a little girl dressed in pink, taking dance classes, wearing frilly dresses. Well, Taylor loves pink so long as it has camo print in it. (Ha, Ha)
He said both our kids are going to be great hunters. He was right. Joshua and Taylor have been interested in hunting since they were little. They would get excited whenever David would come back from hunting and they both would want to know everything about the hunt and wanted to be in all the pictures to show the deer or turkey he harvested. When David would go on a hunt and he would take Joshua, Taylor would always cry if she couldn’t go. She is three years younger than Josh and David would tell her that she was too little and that she wouldn’t sit still or be quiet long enough to go hunting. She would give her Dad that pitiful look with those big blue eyes and he would always give in and let her go.


I recall several times he would mumble to himself “Won’t get no hunting done today”. Taylor would be so excited waving bye to me as she headed out the door. David would come home from his hunt and I would ask how it went and he would say, actually she sat still better than Josh. He would laugh and tell me that she would be so excited and after a little while she would curl up next to him and fall asleep. (That’s why she was so quiet David would laugh).

Taylor has always had a love for animals and the outdoors. It amazes so many people who know her how compassionate over animal she is and yet how she can get out there and harvest a turkey, deer, or bear. Taylor loves to hunt and she believes that whatever you harvest you are to eat what you kill. She is always eager to learn about wildlife, study their habitat, and loves to go scouting. She recently told me a story about her teacher at school who asked each girl to list 10 things about themselves and the concept of doing this was to try and guess who the person was that was being described.

Taylor listed several things like, loves to hunt, Prostaff writer for, harvested an 8 point buck and a 21 pound turkey, hunts with Hunters Helping Kids, and she puts for her last comment, “If you looked at me now (sitting in the classroom) you would never guess this was me”. Taylor said the teacher read this to the class and everyone was looking around to try and guess who it was. Finally, one of Taylor’s best friend raised her hand and told the teacher it was Taylor. The whole class was amazed and the teacher said, “I would not have guessed it”. Taylor laughed and told her class some of her hunting stories and she told the class as she summed up herself, ” I have the best of both worlds, being a girl and being a huntress”. It always amazes me how talented she is and how my little 8 lb. 5oz. baby girl is now a 15 year old amazing teenager who DOES HAVE THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS.

Love You,




Kevin Paulson

Kevin Paulson is the Founder and CEO of His passion for Hunting began at the age of 5 hunting alongside of his father. Kevin has followed his dreams through outfitting, conservation work, videography and hunting trips around the world.

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