Wittington Center, NM October 11, 2019 – Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA) and the Monroe Schuler Foundation (MSF) announce the completion of the 8th Annual HAVA/MSF Elk Hunt at Vermejo Park Ranch near Raton, NM. With the goal of testing the resolve of seriously injured veterans, the hunt covered 2 days in the snow and fog at 9,000 feet in temperatures ranging as low as zero degrees and challenged these 10 veterans to overcome obstacles and achieve the mission despite their considerable disabilities. After braving the elements, 8 out of 10 veterans were successful in taking a cow elk, and all 10 shared in the bounty.
A highlight of the event was the progress made by one very seriously injured Marine hunter. He was a double lower extremity amputee who had been injured in January 2019 and was just beginning to learn to walk with his 2 prosthetics. His mobility was severely limited, and he was challenged by the snow and the terrain. For the event, HAVA provided him with two trekking poles to help him stabilize, plus the help of a volunteer and a hunt guide. But the Marine wouldn’t accept help and after some testing was seen walking straight up the mountain yelling for all to hear:
“Hell Yes I Can Walk Up There”
“The story of this Marine embodies what the HAVA experience has meant to thousands of injured veterans over the past 12 years,” said HAVA Chairman Tom Taylor. “Our goal is to put disabled veterans in challenging situations and encourage them to face the realities of various outdoor activities. It’s wonderful to watch these American treasures test their resolve, and to see the joy when they overcome tremendous odds. Helping the disabled veteran recapture confidence that the best of life is in their future is our mission, and each HAVA activity is designed to achieve that goal”.
About HAVA
HAVA is a 501(c)3 organization formed by companies in the shooting and outdoor industry with the purpose of raising awareness and further assisting disabled veterans with their healing process through guided hunts, shooting events and other outdoor sports activities. The sustaining sponsor companies are Smith & Wesson, National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), SIG SAUER, Academi, Arnold Defense, Crimson Trace, E3 Training, FMG Publications, GLOCK, Hornady, Leapers/UTG, Leupold & Stevens, Mossberg, National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers (NASGW), Operation Hat Trick, Ruger, Savage, Surefire, Taurus, Vista Outdoor/Federal, XS Sights, and Yamaha Outdoors among numerous contributing companies. To learn more about HAVA, go to: www.honoredveterans.org.