Hunting Africa With Nicolai Raubenheimer of Chapungu Safarison the “Hunting Matters with Joe Betar” Podcast

Houston Safari Club Foundation (HSCF) and the “Hunting Matters with Joe Betar” podcast welcomes Professional Hunter Nicolai Raubenheimer of Chapungu Safaris.
Nicolai Raubenheimer is the Director & PH of Chapungu Safaris (RSA). He grew up in Johannesburg, however, his passion for hunting started at an early age. After school he started studying Veterinary Science at the University of Pretoria, but his underlying urge to take up his passion made him decide to quit and he enrolled for a Field Guide and Game Ranger Diploma. After completing his course, he started working as a field guide and game ranger in Northern Natal. Here he gained an enormous amount of experience and did an apprenticeship with one of Natal’s well-known outfitters. Nicolai then moved to the Great Karoo where he was reserve manager and resident PH of Ratelfontein. It is here where he met Jacques and soon thereafter, he started working for Chapungu Safaris in mid-2012. Nicolai is an accredited PH for the Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and North West province, as well as for Mozambique. He is currently the head PH and runs all operations in South Africa.
About Hunting Matters with Joe Betar
“Hunting Matters with Joe Betar”: An acclaimed podcast celebrating the wonders of the great outdoors. Join hosts Joe Betar, Executive Director of HSCF, and Houston media personality Ramon Robles as they delve into captivating discussions with a diverse array of guests. From hunting and fishing to sport shooting, conservation, policy, and even culinary arts, this podcast covers it all. Available on all major podcast platforms—subscribe, listen, rate, and review!
About Houston Safari Club Foundation
Houston Safari Club Foundation (HSCF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve the sport of hunting through education, conservation, and the promotion of our hunting heritage. HSCF has awarded 697 scholarships totaling $3.2 million dollars. HSCF conducts youth outdoor education programs, career training, hunter education and field experiences throughout the year. HSCF has provided over $4 million in grants for hunter-funded wildlife, habitat, and various conservation initiatives. HSCF is an independent organization, is not affiliated with Safari Club International (SCI) or its affiliates and is not a chapter or affiliate of any other organization. Visit our website at or call 713.623.8844 for more information. HSCF. We Hunt. We Give.