Inside the Fall Issue of BHA’s Backcountry Journal
The newest issue of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers’ magazine is available today

MISSOULA, Mont. – The fall issue of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers’ quarterly magazine, Backcountry Journal, hit mailboxes across the continent last week. This issue taps into the excitement of fall with hunting stories and details of BHA’s conservation efforts from across North America. Here’s a highlight reel:
The Search for New Jersey’s Backcountry: Does New Jersey even have backcountry? Mike Adams explores the forgotten corners of New Jersey for brook trout and solitude.
Bluegrass Backcountry Elk: Howard Whiteman looks at what elk mean to wildlands and the opportunities available in the East for protecting more wildland habitat. Along the way, he harvests a Kentucky backcountry elk and shows OHV users how a real pack-out is done.
Veterans, Hunters, Public Land Defenders: David Lien, the 2019 recipient of BHA’s Mike Beagle-Chairman’s Award, details the role of veterans in hunting and conservation efforts starting with America’s Ace of Aces, Dick Bong, and progresses through today’s efforts to protect the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
Squirrel and Dumplings: Hunting for squirrels is rising in popularity. Learn how to make the most of your harvest with this great protein substitution in a time-honored recipe as part of our Field to Table series.
Backcountry Journal is distributed to BHA members, elected officials and land management agencies. It also is available in a digital flipbook edition, available to members on the BHA website. Join BHA today to get your copy.
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