Keep Knives Sharp at Hunting Camp

Selecting a sharpening system for a hunting camp can be a tricky business. There are many choices available for keeping your steel keen, and even more knife manufacturers and blade style options.
What is a hunting knife exactly? After the hunt, a hunting knife prepares the game for food. This includes but is not limited to skinning and boning. Some hunting knives may have a blade with both a curved portion for skinning and a straight portion for cutting slices of meat. You’ll also find that some blades incorporate a Gut Hook.
A whetstone (water stone) is a rectangular stone with a gritty surface used to sharpen knives and other metal tools. Whetstones can be natural or synthetic. Natural whetstones can have a slower process than synthetic but produce a fantastic cutting edge without removing much steel. A whetstone requires a certain skill level to use successfully, can be heavy, bulky, and is one-dimensional at the end of the day.
A quick and convenient alternative to packing whetstones is the Warthog V-Sharp XE (Xtreme Edge) which features 4 Snap-in Angle Adjustments (17°, 20°, 25°, 30°) weighing in at 8 ounces of durable ABS plastic; the V-Sharp XE is waterproof. Skinning, fillet, and kitchen knives use 17°- 20° angles, making the V-Sharp XE the obvious choice. It comes standard with 325 Grit Natural Diamond Rods (Finishing Steels included) and 600/1000 Grit (optional). Simply drawing the blade in a slicing motion entirely through and out of the sharpener, keeping the blade flat against the Blade Guide. This motion gives a consistent angle from the heel to the tip, regardless of the blade materials or brands. The V-Sharp XE sharpens the blade on both sides simultaneously, perfect for most other flat-blade knives. It’s ideal for hunting camps and base camps!
Gut Hook File- Gut Hook knives feature sharp, semi-circle “hooks” behind the knife’s tip. The gut hook serves more than one purpose. For hunters and anglers, it helps open up the gut cavity of a kill by first making a small incision on the underside. Then, the gut hook is put into the small opening and pulled down like a zipper. This makes it easier and potentially faster to field dress game and dramatically reduces the chance of puncturing an internal organ. A gut hook is a utility tool for slicing cordage/rope on the utility side. A significant drawback to a gut hook is how difficult it can be to sharpen. Still, many hunters consider the gut hook feature a must-have when field dressing game. The Warthog Gut Hook File features a 600 Grit Diamond Rod, a blue composition handle with an oversized lanyard hole, measuring 7 1/4″ overall, and a 3 7/8″ Diamond Rod ideal for gut hook blades and large serrations.
Make the Warthog V-Sharp XE & Gut Hook File permanent residents in your hunting camp!
Xtreme Edge
- 4 Snap-in Angle Adjustments
- (17°, 20°, 25°, 30°)
- 325 Grit Natural Diamond Rods (included)
- 600 Grit or 1000 Grit (optional)
- Comes in Black
- Super lightweight
- Durable ABS Plastic housing
- Adjustable Spring Tension
- Finishing Steels (included)
- 1-Year Warranty
- Weight: 8 ounces (229 grams)
- MRSP: $74.99
Gut Hook File
- Ideal for Fishing/Hunting
- Diamond rod: 600 Grit
- Contoured handle
- Includes lanyard
- Size: 7 1/4″ overall, 3 7/8″ Diamond Rod
- MSRP: $44.99
For over 20 years Warthog Blade Sharpeners has been manufacturing and exporting high quality diamond knife sharpeners. Warthog was established in 1999 with the goal of creating an innovative world-first knife sharpener that delivered better results than any competitor on the market. Treat your blades with the respect and care they deserve. We have conducted extensive research into various types of blade sharpeners and the results may shock you. Microscopic photos of edges show just how much damage traditional sharpeners can do.
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