Articles of Interest for Hunters and Conservationists
How Green is Hunting? Fox News did a story on How hunting is Green and featured the good folks over at SCI. I read through the article and it really shows how far out of touch groups like PETA are with the world population. I felt that Fox did a great job on the article but should of put in some real facts and figures into the article like how much money hunters donate yearly through Excise Taxes and donations to organizations to protect wildlife..,2933,531205,00.html
Quota Set for Wolf Hunting
“Barring legal intervention, Montana will have its first official gray wolf hunting season this fall, after the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission unanimously agreed Wednesday to a 75-wolf quota. State officials said the historic decision represents a victory for wildlife conservation in Montana and for the often maligned federal Endangered Species Act. ‘Today, we can celebrate the fact that Montana manages elk, deer, bears, mountain lions, ducks, bighorn sheep, and wolves in balance with their habitats, other species, and in balance with the people who live here,’ said FWP Director Joe Maurier. ‘Montanans have worked hard to recover the Rocky Mountain wolf and to integrate wolves into Montana’s wildlife management programs. That’s always been the promise of the Endangered Species Act, and we’re pleased so see it fulfilled here in Montana.’” (Source:
FWP To Reconsider Sheep’s Place On Public Land
“Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks plans to take another look at whether it should allow sheep ranchers to trail their livestock across a 28,000-acre swath of land in Southwestern Montana. Earlier this month, three conservation groups challenged the agency for allowing domestic sheep to cross the Robb-Ledford Wildlife Management Area, a practice the groups say makes the habitat inhospitable to bighorn sheep due to diseases the domestic sheep can give to bighorns.” (Source: Bozeman Daily Chronical) MORE…
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