Low water prompts river access reminders

As dry conditions persist across much of the state, Nebraska Game and Parks will close river and stream access ramps to vehicles and other traffic as necessary.
Effective immediately, Flatwater Landing Wildlife Management Area, which sits along the Platte River in Platte County, is closed temporarily to vehicle access. Extremely low water prevents access to the boat ramp by watercraft.
All-terrain and utility-terrain vehicles also are not allowed on the WMA at this time.
Water levels will be monitored, and the WMA will be reopened for vehicle access when water returns to a level that will accommodate access to the river by watercraft.
Additional closures, if necessary, will be reported at OutdoorNebraska.gov.
River enthusiasts also are reminded that the land beneath Nebraska’s rivers and streams is private property.
Permission is needed from landowners in order to walk or drive in a wet or dry riverbed, even if it has been entered from a public-use area. Permission also is required to exit a watercraft or to anchor when floating or kayaking down a river.
Take the following precautions to avoid trespassing and a citation:
- Find access ramps by visiting OutdoorNebraska.gov and searching the Public Boating Areas map.
- Scout ahead due to low water levels across the state.
- Seek permission from landowners prior to your trip — no matter whether it’s by vehicle, watercraft or foot. Remember, property boundaries can be difficult to determine.
- Follow all posted signs.
- Do not litter.
- Take care to not disturb fish and wildlife in and around the river or riverbed. Fish and wildlife depend on the river ecosystem.
- If floating, wear a life jacket.
- Be respectful to the resource, landowners and the opportunity Nebraska provides.
Landowners who observe trespass should call local law enforcement.