Pro Staff Blog

NSSF Government Relations Efforts Recognized by NASGW

Last night, the National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers Chairwoman and NSSF PAC President’s Club member Laurie Lipsey-Aronson recognized NSSF with its highest award, the NASGW Chairwoman’s Award.

Lipsey-Aronson specifically pointed to the efforts of the NSSF government relations team this year to ensure that members of the industry were deemed “essential business” during shutdowns. 

NSSF is the first line of defense when there is any threat to the industry. It is because of NSSF’s quick response to the COVID-19 shutdowns that firearms manufacturers, importers, wholesale distributors, retailers and ranges have been able to take advantage of the fact that consumer demand is at an all-time high.

NSSF secured the listing of firearm manufacturers, distributors, retailers and ranges on the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) list of “essential critical infrastructure.” Most governors relied on the CISA list when crafting their state’s “stay-at-home” orders, and the guidance precipitated the rollback of New Jersey’s and Pennsylvania’s closure of firearm retailers. NSSF worked closely with the Trump Administration to protect the essential services the industry provides for the military, law enforcement and free exercise of Second Amendment rights. NSSF also worked to secure guidance from ATF to allow retailers to conduct storefront and curbside transactions. 

NSSF’s Federal and State affairs teams worked tirelessly to ensure our industry was not shuttered by anti-gun executives or well-intentioned administrators seeking to stem the spread of the virus. When lawsuits were needed in states like Massachusetts to keep our industry open for business, NSSF was there filing briefs on behalf of our industry. NSSF fought hard to keep shooting ranges open, too, so that first-time gun owners could have a place to safely train. 

With Election Day less than two weeks away, your investment in the NSSF’s Political Action Committee is needed more than ever. Please consider contributing any amount you can so we can, together, ensure our industry not only survives these current times, but thrives through those yet to come.


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