Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors Partners With Wisconsin DNR To Introduce Shooting Sports Teams To Hunting & Fishing

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is proud to highlight partnerships with several external organizations to recruit, retain, and reactivate (R3) participants in hunting, trapping, and shooting sports in Wisconsin.
The four new partnerships are with Pheasants Forever, National Deer Association, Raised At Full Draw and Pass it On – Outdoor Mentors.
Pheasants Forever’s mission is to conserve pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public access, education and conservation advocacy.
The National Deer Association strives to provide reliable, science-based information for hunters, empowering them to be more informed, successful and engaged stewards of deer and wildlife.
Raised at Full Draw (RAFD) is a non-profit organization designed to promote archery, hunting and outdoor education through educational camps. The goal of these camps is to pass knowledge and techniques on to the next generation and allow them an opportunity to learn in a safe, hands-on environment.
Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors is a nationwide nonprofit organization that matches caring adults with a passion for the outdoors with children that want to learn about the outdoors. CEO Brittany French noted, “Our program is successful because of healthy partnerships like the one we have with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. We are looking forward to getting Wisconsin kids out hunting and making generational impact in the outdoors,” said Brittany French CEO of Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors.
While starting programming in Wisconsin, Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors will partner with the Outdoor Heritage Education Center. “Through our long-time Wisconsin friends at the Outdoor Heritage Education Center organization, we already have a grassroots network of mentors and landowners eager to pitch in.” said French.
OHEC Executive Director Ruth Ann Lee added, “Our Founder Mark LaBarbera and I are excited about working with Pass It On and WI DNR to connect more youth and adults with the shooting sports. It’s a natural extension of our current R3 efforts. Check out”
These new partnerships include new, jointly funded positions dedicated to providing and supporting programming and events around the state to promote hunting, trapping and shooting sports. These efforts will focus on teaching people how to get started in each of these activities, supporting and engaging people already involved and encouraging individuals with prior experience who may not be currently active in these activities to get involved again.
“Each of these organizations brings experience and specific areas of interest that will provide diverse outdoor learning experiences for Wisconsinites of all experience levels,” said Bob Nack, DNR Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation Team Supervisor. “These partnerships help us develop an appreciation for the outdoors and support wildlife conservation efforts among the public while also promoting these activities to future generations.”
Wisconsin’s fall hunting seasons are fast approaching. Learn more about educational materials and opportunities to get involved with programs and events focused on helping people learn to hunt on the DNR website.