Support Your Favorite Conservation, Youth and Veterans’ Groups by Participating in the OnlineHoliday Sportsman Show

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Oct. 8, 2019) —Each year, conservation groups, outdoor youth groups and veterans’ groups across the U.S. struggle to secure funding for their causes. The Holiday Sportsman Show offers a way to help these great organizations that will also be a great benefit for your brand and your bottom line. For 57 days from Nov. 5 through Dec. 31, the Holiday Sportsman Show will feature an interactive online-shopping experience with outdoor show halls. Visitors can tour the virtual halls, where they will find exceptional outdoor products and gifts at remarkable prices for everyone on their list. Holiday Sportsman Show is an innovative holiday sales promotion that supports conservation, youth and veterans’ groups.
Ultimately, participating in the Holiday Sportsman Show means increased sales for brands and outfitters, and it means great discounts for sportsmen and women. But equally important, it means funding solutions for conservation, youth and veterans’ groups. The 2019 Holiday Sportsman Show will provide funding for the following groups:
- Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnerships
- Sportsman for the Boundary Waters
- Conservation Heritage Foundation
- 4-H Shooting Sports Clubs
- Minnesota Fishing Challenge in support of the Minnesota Teen Challenge
- Scouting USA
- Erie County (NY) Federation of Sportsman’s
- Southeastern Outdoor Press Association Youth Program
- High School & College Fishing Teams
- Friends in Service of Heroes
Help support these great causes all while boosting your fourth-quarter sales. There is an in-category limit, so interested marketing specialists will want to order their booths now so they don’t miss this great opportunity to be a part of the select group of exhibitors in the 2019 Holiday Sportsman Show. To learn more about this unique sales and marketing opportunity click on this link to watch this brief video. For additional information on reserving a booth, e-mail or call 816-246-5626.
The Online Holiday Sportsman Show is a property of Vexpo Marketing, based in Missouri. Vexpo Marketing develops digital products designed to serve outdoor activities and outdoor consumers, including businesses and organizations that provide goods and services for outdoor recreation. The Holiday Sportsman Show was created to provide a digital platform to provide cost-effective digital marketing for outdoor companies and enjoyable online content for buying consumers.