The Association Commends the Department of the Interior’s Historic Expansion of Hunting and Fishing Opportunities
Washington D.C. (April 9, 2020)- The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies applauds this week’s announcement by U.S. Secretary of the Interior David L. Bernhardt of the Administration’s significant efforts to increase recreational access on public lands. The new proposed rule would expand hunting and fishing opportunities to Americans by opening 2.3 million acres to public access and would represent the largest expansion of land to hunting and fishing in the history of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
“The outdoors and its health benefits are likely more important than ever,” said Secretary Kelly Hepler of South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks and President of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. “This proposed rule will afford people greater opportunities to get outdoors, whether it be for hunting or fishing, and enjoy our great natural heritage. Outdoor recreation touches all Americans, from rural communities to urban areas.”
The proposed rule would open new hunting and fishing opportunities across 2.3 million acres at 97 national wildlife refuges and nine national fish hatcheries.
Click here to view the Department of Interiors press release.
The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies—the organization that represents North America’s fish and wildlife agencies—promotes sound resource management and conservation, and speaks on important fish and wildlife issues. Found on the web at, on Facebook /AssociationofFishandWildlifeAgencies and on Twitter @fishwildlife.