Pro Staff Blog

Tillamook Tajin Beef Jerky

I fell in love with Tajin on a trip to Atlanta about 5 years ago. My friend Missy gave me some mango covered in the chili lime goodness that was Tajin and it was the best tasting mango, I had ever put in my mouth. The combination of the sweet and spicy still gets me today. It works with street tacos, fruit, chips, margaritas, rice and well now jerky.

Tillamook Country Smoker Jerky is already some of the best commercially sold jerky in the country. The mix of Tajin in with the jerky makes this blend perfect for a snack while driving to hunting camp and it also makes a pretty great gift. I have been picking up bags that are 6.5 oz and the jerky has about 10 grams of protein per serving. This is worth seeking out if you are a fan of the chili lime spice like I am and of course if you are a fan of quality jerky.

If you are not familiar with Tajin it is a popular Mexican seasoning blend that consists of dried and ground red chili peppers, sea salt and dehydrated lime juice. It is tangy, slightly spicy but not overpowering and it adds a zesty kick to just about everything. I have tried it on fruits of all stripes and varieties and mixed it in with ranch dressing for the perfect dipping sauce. Tajin continues to gain popularity around the world and it works in both sweet and savory dishes.

The Tillamook Country Smoker Beef Jerky with Tajin is worth seeking out if you are looking for something a little different for your snack cupboard or the back of your hunting pack. Look for it in all the usual places and of course you can order it direct from Tillamook Country Smoker.

Kevin Paulson

Kevin Paulson is the Founder and CEO of His passion for Hunting began at the age of 5 hunting alongside of his father. Kevin has followed his dreams through outfitting, conservation work, videography and hunting trips around the world.

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