Hunting News

Why Persimmons from Chestnut Hill Outdoors?

Persimmons are in the genus Diospyros, which means: food of the gods. Whoever gave them that name must have been a deer hunter because the ability of ripe persimmons to attract deer and other wildlife is truly divine. To ensure you realize the greatest benefit from your soft mast orchards, Chestnut Hill Outdoors offers several different persimmon varieties, each specially selected for its abundant fruit production.

As their name implies, Early Drop persimmons bear fruit from late August through October, about the time archery seasons kick in around the Country. Deer Candy Persimmons are all grafted female trees, which means they are vigorous and grow very rapidly, bearing 1-1/4′-1-½” diameter fruit in just 2-3 years, depending on the care they receive and climate to which they’re exposed.

To address the latter, Chestnut Hill Outdoors selected grafted American Persimmon varieties that are cold-hardy so they will thrive over a much wider geographic area – planting Zones 5-9. The fruit drops over several months in late summer and early fall, expanding your window of attractiveness and opportunity.

Also in the Deer Candy collection are several “Late Drop” Deer Magnet varieties that provide nutritiously irresistible soft mast later in the fall, further widening the window of attractiveness your property offers to wildlife. 

Chestnut Hill Outdoors also offers American Persimmon Seedlings. This native variety has a natural immunity to disease and insects, is adaptable to many climates and thrives in a wide variety of conditions, from wet or sandy soils, to lowlands or uplands. Furthermore, it is not necessarily an “early” or “late” drop so it fills in the middle nicely.


  • Height at Maturity: 30′-50′
  • Spread: 20′-35′
  • Tree Form: Central Leader
  • Foliage: Beautiful red-purple color in fall
  • Bloom: May – June in most locations
  • Fruit: Orange (when ripe) 1-1.5″ fruit with 4-6 large flat seeds
  • Light requirements: Full sun
  • Soil type: Adapted to upland, wet if only seasonal and well drained or sandy clay or loam; Ph 6.0-7.0
  • Fertilization: New trees planted in the winter won’t need fertilizer (balanced time released 10-10-10 fertilizer or Espoma Tree Tone Organic) until April or May.
  • Pruning: Most persimmon trees require little pruning, especially once they’re bearing fruits. Pruning is usually restricted to controlling the tree’s size or removing dead, diseased, and damaged branches. Prune any suckers that develop.

Start your early season Deer Candy persimmon patch today and widen the window of attractiveness for your property. For best pollination and production, plant Deer Magnet, or another Deer Candy variety along with your Early Drop grafted American female persimmons.

Deer Candy and Deer Magnet Persimmons

Size Shipped 12-24″ 1 yr old container grown – $29.95

1 Year Old$29.95$27.95$24.95
1.5 Year Old$34.95$32.95$29.95

American Persimmon Seedlings

Size Shipped 12-18″

1 Year Old$7.95
1.5 Year Old $11.95

American Persimmon Seedlings may be either male or female so it is recommended you plant them in a block of 3-10 to ensure pollination.

Spring trees are shipped bare root without soil or a container. Fall trees are shipped in containers. Price does not include Shipping and Handling.

Ground Shipping Rates:

up to $100.00 = $22.50

$100.00+ = 22.5%

Available at farm for pickup: 3-gallon. Please call for prices and availability.

Chestnut Hill is the best place for you to purchase your food plot and deer attractant plants because they offer a large selection, their plants are specifically bred to attract deer, and they offer customers different sized plants at different levels of growth.

For more information, please visit


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