Book Review Look Big by Rachel Levin

Rachel Levin is a heck of a writer and in her newest book LOOK BIG, we get to see some sound advice mixed in with a equal parts laughter and information all created to help folks who run into animals head first. This book came in for review at just the right moment as our young Boy Scout is heading out the door on his first camping trips. LOOK BIG is giving our little reader the confidence he needs to head outside and know what to do when he encounters animals on his trips to the great outdoors.
The illustrations help guide the reader and this book makes an excellent gift for advanced young readers, outdoorsmen and women, hunters, adventurer’s and the mildly curious. I wish I had this book in camp years ago when a fellow hunter decided to get a little closer to a mama moose and got charged. He is lucky he dove behind a tree and escaped unscathed. LOOK BIG teaches you that common sense and a little knowledge can help you to stay alive.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I felt super confident in handing it over to Benjamin so that he could learn and laugh his way through all of the animals. He can now carry with him the knowledge that a little common sense and knowing when not to run can keep him alive and he has now has a book that he will cherish for years to come.. Great tips, true tails, facts and laughs all abound throughout this book from Rachel Levin and you can now pick it up directly from AMAZON and/or ask for it from your local book seller.